The privately owned facilities of our company are located in the industrial park of Avlona, on a plot of 13000 square meters. The total size of our building facilities is 2800 square meters.
At the warehouse, pallets are stored on industrial metallic shelves and the storage capacity is over 2.500 pallet spaces.
Brinks, top security providor, safeguards our property and products.
Afoi Lalousi S.A., reducing its environmental footprint, has built a solar park, covering thus its energy needs 100%. Even more, we have constructed translucent ceiling panels, in order to function the warehouse with natural light. We have also began to replace our flight of vehicles with new hybrid and electric ones.
Our target is to create another building so that the entire facility reaches 4.000 square meters and the storage capacity climbs at 5.000 pallet spaces.